GHG validation and verifications for Projects & Inventories
The GHG statement below is issued by an officially certified GHG validator and verifier, and this GHG statement is an important document not only for the organization but also for the organization's stakeholders.
The Organizations or Projects participating in the GHG Program shall issue a verifier's statement on whether they fulfill and comply with the requirements of the GHG Program.
The organization or project shall issue a validator's or verifier's statement on whether the GHG inventory is accurately conducted in accordance with the relevant GHG standards and approved methods.
The organizations or projects issue a verifier's statement on the absence of material misstatement in the inventory and calculation of greenhouse gases.
An organization or project with a GHG verification statement
Opens opportunities to participate in GHG emissions trading programs
Meets legal regulations and standards related to GHG such as carbon and energy taxes
Please contact us for more information.